Wednesday 24 March 2010

Shooting Schedule

Monday 1st March 2010 - Rachel walking through burn valley and towards college (office building in film)
Wednesday 3rd March 2010 - Amy walking down corridor and into room
Thursday 4th March 2010 -Scene with Amy and dead body in room, then rachel and amy dragging body out of the room.

When shooting the film noir, the room changed that we shot the office in from a large room into a small music studio room within the college, Rachel changed these because the smaller room seemed to be a better office room and it fit in better with the whole mise-en-scene which is one of the aspects she controlled during the creation of this film noir opening sequence.

Friday 19 March 2010

Film Noir Draft

This is the rough draft of our film noir...

Thursday 18 March 2010

Character Shots & Anaylasis

The image to the right hand side is Amy character in the red cardigan, denim shirt and black trousers, this reflects the laid back work environment in which she runs. The character to the right of Amy is Jen, she is one of the prostitutes which have been murdered. She works for Amy and therefore is front of house as she has face to face contact with the 'customers'. Her costume is a blazer, trousers and boots, this is a business type look which we decided for the character.

This character is Rachel she is a business associate with Amy and works along side her. She takes her job more serious and therefore wears a black coat with black trousers and shoes.

The mise-en-scene was Rachel's part of the task and therefore costumes were decided by her.

Company logo

Rachel Noddings created the logo which was made using Microsoft Clipart and Adobe Photoshop Elements.

Prelimenary Task

Before creating the opening sequence of our film noir we experimented with all aspects that involved creating a video, these included cinematography, editing, sound and mise-en-scene.The clip we made can be seen bellow...

Title & Synopsis

Title: Prostitute Paradise
Synopsis: When the women working for a prostitution business begin to be killed, Amy fears that somebody knows that her business holds more secrets than anybody would believe; and she begins to become afraid that she will be next.

Film Noir Prop List

Props List
Chair, 2x mobile phone, car,desk, chair,office room,

Actors List
Rachel Noddings - Rachel
Amy Adair - Amy
Jen Newcombe - Jen (Dead body)

Costumes List
Amy - Denim shirt and black trousers.
Rachel - Mac coat, black trousers and black brogue shoes.
Jen - Black trousers, boots and a blazer jacket.

Locations list
Small room within college ( to make look like a small office space)
college entrance doors
Burn valley Gardens
Corridors within college (darkly lit)

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Film Noir Target Audience Research

Film Noir means black film which came from french film critics who noticed a dark' and downbeat themes of many American crime and detective films.

The very first film noir are dated back between the 1940's and the 1950's. They are now certified by the BBFC as generally PG and 12's, this is a low age rating compared to the modern day noir's film which are 15 to 18. This shows just how much more realistic and s cary the modern day films have become.

Due to BBFC regulations films tagged as a 12 are not allowed strong references to:
  • Drugs
  • Discrimination
  • Violence
  • Gory Scenes
  • Continuous bad language
This leaves a small amount of
  • Horor
  • Dangerous Behaviour
  • Strong Languange
  • Nudity
  • Sex
  • Mature violent themes
the above are acceptable in a 12, however they cannot be mad over the top, graphic, or influence the young audience to copy what they see.

A film tagged as a 15 is allowed the following:
Discriminating Behavior long as it does not endorse it
Dangerous Behavior - however objects which are easily accessed such as, kitchen knifes etc, are not allowed.
Sex, Nudity, Strong Language and violence is acceptable if the narrative is not located entirely around these topics in a strong manor.

Whereas on the other hand a film tagged as 18 allows almost every topic, and allows strong content of the story line.

From the research we have decided to create a film noir opening of a 15 certificate as this allows us to contain a lot of things which is acceptable for our age group. We will be careful to not include any topics which would put the rating up to a 18.

Friday 22 January 2010

Analysis of Double Indemnity

I shall be analyzing the fist 3 minutes of Double Indemnity in the following paragraphs.

To begin with the film opens with orchestra music as the credits move across the scene. This helps set the scene and make the audience aware of the content that is about to come which is dramatic. To add to this a silhouette of a man is shown, as we cannot see no facial expressions of the character it builds up suspicion. The shot then fades out into the next scene showing a long street as a welder repairs tram lines, the lighting is dark which shows it is at night. The sign tells us this which helps the audience understand who he is. A car comes down the road at a high speed, and goes past the camera. A fast cut shows a close up a set of traffic lights, we realize that the car is significant because it is shown again in the background of the shot. The light is on red however the car speeds through, this shows the audience that the car has to get somewhere fast, building up tension and getting the audience intrigued.The camera again quickly cuts to a long shot of the cross roads as the same xar narrowly misses a van pulling out. The driver is careless and this is shown within his driveing, it is obivous that he is either in a rush to get somewere or he is on the run from someone. This next part adds some insite into whats happening. A medium close up fades in as the car pulls up to a building, we can see the street which is quite with only one insignificant car in the distance, the fog is thick and the same music is present. Another medium close up shows him getting out of the car with the doors of the building in the background. We can see him get out the car as a camera on a crane pans over the car bonnet and towards the doors following the character. As he gets to the door way, he repeatedly knocks onto the doors until a member of staff unlocks them and greets him in a sophisticated manor this implies the main character is of a high class and respected by people, however although being greeting he decides to ignore the doorman and walk straight past him. The audience again begins to wonder why he was in such a rush as it does not look like he is in a dangerous situation. We see the two men enter the lift and a two shot shows them as they have a conversation about why he is working so late. He tells the door man that it is 'late enough' this suggests he is hiding something, and not giving away everything. His answers are short and to the point to avoid entering conversation. As the lift door opens a tracking shot follows him as he walks to edge of a balcony, the camera pans down and a large hall filled with empty desks are revealed. As he walks around the balcony the camera pans across following him towards a door.

The film is dark and mysterious, and is shown through the above codes and conventions.

Thursday 21 January 2010

Brief & Group Members

In my group there is myself, Rachel Noddings and Amy Holmes. We are going to create an opening sequence of a horror.